



New partner to be announced shortly!





Law Firm Blasone boasts a tradition rooted in providing procedural assistance and legal advice to its clients, operating both in the national and international context.

The lawyers of the Firm – under the supervision of the owners Massimiliano and Stefano Blasone – offer their qualified service in out-of-court proceedings and before ADR Bodies as well as in litigation and arbitration procedures. Clients, both companies and natural persons, are assisted and defended with the utmost availability, professionalism and confidentiality in disputes relating to civil, commercial, family, inheritance law as well as in litigations for compensation for damages.

The experience gained in the management of enforcement proceedings also allows the organization to perform credit recovery activities, including massive ones, throughout the Italian territory and abroad, after an investigating the solvency of each debtor. The Firm also takes care of the recognition and enforcement of Italian judgements abroad and foreign ones in Italy.

Any judicial activity is carried out directly by the Firm via electronic communication with all Italian Courts.

Abroad, the Firm collaborates with partners from its international network CONNEXX in order to enable the timely completion of any actions in the relevant State.

The member Massimiliano Blasone is an attorney at law with a long-standing experience in litigation and enforcement of civil judgement and is authorized to appear before the Supreme Court. He is also authorized to practice as Professional Delegate to the sales and Judicial Guardian in real estate foreclosures, i.e., enforcement agent, for the Court of Trieste.

Since 2018, he is co-founder and board member of Trieste association “aggiudic@” dedicated to the study of civil enforcement and bankruptcy. He is also a member of the Commission on this matter with the Bar Association of Trieste. In 2020, he co-founded and became Vice President of "A.C.D.C. - Association for the Coordination of Delegates and Custodians'', which brings together 41 Italian regional associations of delegated professionals authorized to carry out sale of foreclosed real estate, including drafting transfer decree and distribution of sales proceeds. In 2022 he was hired as an international expert consultant at the Council of Europe European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) developing Guidelines on judicial e-auctions. In 2023 he was engaged as consultant of Italian Ministry of Justice in the EU project finalised to the creation of the European platform dedicated to online auctions of foreclosed assets.

The member Stefano Blasone is an attorney at law who works in the field of civil law by providing his assistance in international divorces, family law and inheritance law. He also manages NPL (non-performing loans) analysing portfolios and identifying the best collection strategies for effective legal recovery actions.

He carries out mediation and conciliation proceedings (ADR) and defends clients in criminal law litigations, with particular reference to crimes against property and companies.


For the purpose of effective and timely credit recovery, we follow a consolidated procedure aimed at favouring, if possible, the voluntary payment of the debt:

• friendly credit recovery (with or without enforceable title)

We will send a formal notice to the debtor, where possible by certified e-mail, to request payment.

In the event of unavailability of a full voluntary payment, we will seek other payment options, e.g., a repayment plan in instalments. Any full and final settlement will be agreed upon with the client.

ADR procedures may also be activated to try to reach an agreement that best meets the expectations of our client.

• solvency report

Upon authorization by the client, at the same time or following the sending of the formal advice, an investigation may be launched to ascertain the consistency of the debtor's assets and his/her solvency.

• acquisition of an enforceable title

In the event of failure of the amical debt recovery activity, a judicial procedure will be initiated aimed for acquiring an enforceable title, or we will use the foreign judgement of the client, recognized and enforceable in Italy.

• enforcement proceedings

In the event of non-payment, we will carry out an enforcement proceeding.

Enforcement of an obligation to pay a sum of money in Italy is a judicial proceeding and it is obtained through foreclosure and liquidation of assets of the debtor, including:

• movable assets;

• real estate;

• receivables and bank account;

In case of request of the creditors and as alternative to the sale through auctions, assets can be assigned to the creditors in satisfaction of their claims.

Point of contact: Massimiliano Blasone
Phone number: 0039/040631168
Andress: via San Francesco 14, 34133, Trieste



David Elsibedashvili's Private Enforcement Bureau and House of Business Law LLC


Our team of legal specialists will provide you with qualified assistance throughout the territory of Georgia. Members of our team have many years of experience in various areas of legal services. We consider each application of our clients individually and based on our qualifications achieve the best results in processing and solving problems of different complexity.

We offer the following services:

1. Collection - the process of the soft and hard collection is based on strict compliance with the code of ethics. The goal of our team is to achieve results only with ethical work methods.

2. Legal support - service includes full service in litigation (court, arbitration, mediation, etc.), defending clients' interests in the case of both the plaintiff and the defendant.

3. Enforcement services - Georgia has a hybrid system of enforcement. Private Enforcement and National Enforcement Bureau. Our team can provide clients with legal services in the private enforcement sphere. In the case of public enforcement, we can give advice and recommendations to clients, or act as the representatives of clients.

4. We can also provide clients with the following additional services:
a. Preparing agreements and legal documents
b. Real estate registration
c. Business entity registration
d. Legal examination of the subject of purchase
e. Assessment of legal risks of the contractual relationship



Jorge Castelló Gascó, Procurador de los Tribunales

Procuradores de los Tribunales are private professionals in Spain. To become Procuradores de los Tribunales we must prove we have a law degree; therefore, we have the same training as lawyers with a different specialism.

A particularly good example to understand our profession would be a comparison with family doctors and specialists. As Procuradores de los Tribunales, we have knowledge of all legal areas, but we are not specialists in any of them except for procedural law.

We are a unique profession in the world and take part in almost every Court proceeding assisting clients, lawyers, and Court. We are involved in the Court proceeding before the trial (helping to prepare all strategies and documents needed), during the trial, and after the judgment has been made.

How do we do that?

• Clients
◦ We do amicable collection before starting with court enforcement proceedings.
◦ We inform creditors of their options in Spain and provide, when necessary, a lawyer expert in the matter needed (we cooperate with hundreds of lawyers in Spain covering all legal areas).
◦ We represent them in all Court proceedings and make sure the Court proceeding is as fast as smooth as possible.
◦ We also can manage everything that is necessary for the client in relation to public administration.
• Lawyers
◦ Representing the client in court means we must work side by side with the lawyer organising the files and, when necessary, helping to choose the best defence strategy.
◦ We advise lawyers in relation to the rules that regulate the procedure and their particularities since, although the law of the specialty is fundamental, an error in the procedure can be very harmful to the interests of the client.
• Courts
◦ We also have a legal obligation to collaborate with the Courts, in such a way that, on a daily basis, we spend hours in the Courts reviewing files, speeding up procedures and correcting errors that slow down judicial procedures.
◦ Our collaboration with the Courts is carried out in such a way that we are the link between the judicial system, clients, and lawyers. We assume all communication between them.

Jorge Castelló Gascó, is the third generation of Procuradores de los Tribunales who have been part of the office located in Valencia. For this reason, he combines the accumulated experience of the firm together with the knowledge of the study of the most recent regulations.

We develop our activity throughout the Spanish territory under three fundamental premises: quality, efficiency and transparency.

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us on the following:

Tel. +34-96.391.86.61





There is a mixed system to enforce judgments in the country of Ukraine. In 2017 the enforcement sector changed dramatically which now gives an option to collect your debts either through - Ukraine’s state enforcement officers or via private enforcement officers (private sector). Today, private enforcement officers are recognized to be more effective than state enforcement officers. Why? The main reason for this, is that a private enforcement officer is motivated to enforce a judgment. The officers livelihood would depend on it. Private enforcement officers, such as our firm, care about our clients and liaise with them throughout the process.

Private Enforcement Officer Ivan Zhabotynskyі

Ivan Zhabotynskyі is among those who became a private enforcement officer in Ukraine from the very outset. The office of a private enforcement officer applies all possible legal measures to enforce a judgment. We can undertake a number of legal actions on the Creditors behalf when enforcing the judgment, such as, seizure or arrest of property, search of a debtor or their assets, claiming debtor’s property from third parties, and even initiating a restriction of a debtor travelling abroad. As you can see the Ukraining enforcement system is very robust than in many other countries, therefore increasing your chances of success.

Ivan Zhabotynskyі, along with his assistants, is fluent in English and can consult with you on most legal issues related to enforcement proceedings. If a client would need to obtain court permission to enforce a foreign judgment in Ukraine, protect its violated rights in Ukrainian jurisdiction or simply obtain a qualified legal aid, Ivan Zhabotynskyі can recommend experienced and skilled lawyers.

As a matter of the legislation, there are two types of enforcement fees a private enforcement officer may charge. A primary enforcement fee is a compulsory one and charged to a debtor at the rate of 10 % of the sum collected from the debtor. The other one is an additional enforcement fee, which is not compulsory. The additional enforcement fee is paid by a client if there are certain agreements made between the officer and the client. Usually, our office through our enforcement officer Ivan Zhabotynskyі enforces judgments for the primary enforcement fee only. If we undertake a number of additional enforcement actions to collect your debt from the debtor an additional enforcement fee may required, however this is handled and negotiated on a case by case basis. To cooperate with our private enforcement officer Ivan Zhabotynskyі, a client must apply for the commencement of enforcement proceedings, in other words file a writ of enforcement and conclude an agreement relating to an additional enforcement fee, if necessary.

Procedure of Foreign Judgments in Ukraine

A foreign judgment or an arbitral award may be enforced in Ukraine only after a Ukrainian court permits its enforcement.
For this, a party seeking to enforce a foreign judgment or an arbitral award must file a motion with the court. The motion must be filed within three years of the date for such a judgment or award to have the legal effect.
Should you wish to discuss any debt matter you can either look at our website or send us an email.

You can find more information at our website:
Tel No+38 044 501 31 30
Tel No+38 095 501 31 30

Address - st. Bohdan Khmelnytsky, 17 / 52A, 6th floor, of. 610
Kyiv, 01030




BURKHALTER & Associés Sàrl - (
Tel : +41 32 964 11 11
Email :

We are a law firm specialising in debt collection, more specifically in cross-border debt collection. In this way, we guarantee that the cases entrusted to us are handled exclusively by experienced lawyers in debt collection.
We practice under a Limited Company
We specialise in the following :
• Amicable debt collection ;
• Obtain recognition in Switzerland of foreign judgments, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant international conventions;
• Enforce in Switzerland your judgment and authentic title;
• Government and local government collections and enforcement;
• Insolvency checks for individuals and companies;
• Investigations.
• Land registry checks with a title;
• Obtain a debt instrument in Switzerland that allows enforcement via one of our partners (e.g. on the basis of a simple invoice);
Our jurisdiction is all the country of Switzerland.
The costs of enforcement and legal fees are fixed by law. Our fees are conditional, they are applied on the amout we have collected, details of this commission can be found on our website ( We suggest that you contact us for a specific quotation.