
4th General Assembly

Connexx - European Debt Collection and Enforcement has its formal adoption

3rd General Assembly of Connexx
At the 4th General Assembly of Connexx which was held in Stuttgart Germany, located at the offices of one of our members BAYH & FINGERLE a German law firm specialising in debt collection, all members unanimously voted for the formal adoption of the Network’s Articles of Association.

Alex Dockers the President of Connexx stated “that he was very proud of this historic moment for Connexx, and that more importantly from not just an idea, but a demand from creditors all over Europe to have such an organisation, was very gratifying”.

The meeting started at 9am prompt and a lively discussion ensured that all members had their say, Martin Leyshon Vice President stated “that it is this pooling of idea’s from industry leaders within the debt collection and Judicial arena’s from around Europe that will make this Network very successful”.

The meeting concluded at around 4pm in the afternoon, and very grateful thanks was echoed to our hosts, Peter and Joachim Bayh partners of the above mentioned law firm.

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